Technical Data Sheet
Revision Date: 8/09/23




EnviroCat 150 Crosslinker


ELCAT150 is a crosslinker for water based finishes to improve hardness, chemical resistance and adhesion in a variety of Envirolak Coatings.


This product is designed to be added to existing Envirolak products to enhance the performance of the cured finish. In topcoats, it will improve chemcial resistance, mar and scratch resistance as well as hardness. Using it in basecoats will improve adhesion and water resistance. In vertical spray applications, the addition of CAT150 Crosslinker will help eliminate orange peel to give a smoother finish.


This product will hydrolyse when exposed to moisture, if stored improperly it can be rendered ineffective. ELCAT 150 is supplied ready to use and should be stirred into the finish using mechanical agitation or very thoroughly if mixing by hand. Crosslinked material lasts for 8-12 hours before losing performance, see “pot-life” below.


It is recommended to use ELCAT150 at an addition rate of 3% by weight.

In Primer: ELPR170, ELPR170-TB or ELPR180):by weight – by volume
Per Quart: 42 grams, 36mL or 1.2 fl oz.
Per Gallon:170 grams, 145mL or 5 fl oz.
Per Pail (4 GA):680 grams, 582mL or 20 fl oz.
In White Topcoats: (ELNYW200XX, ELACW 400XX, ELNYW800XX)by weight – by volume
Per Quart: 34 grams, 29mL or 1 fl oz.
Per Gallon:135 grams, 116mL or 4 fl oz.
Per Pail (4 GA):680 grams, 582mL or 20 fl oz.
In Clear Topcoats/Sealers:(EL100XX, ELNYC 300XX, ELAC 500/550XX, ELSEAL XXX) by weight – by volume
Per Quart: 29 grams, 25mL or 0.9 fl oz.
Per Gallon:117 grams, 100mL or 3.4 fl oz.
Per Pail (4 GA):582 grams, 497mL or 17 fl oz.


Specific Gravity:1.17 ± 2%
Viscosity: Viscous (- 2000 cps.)
Solids Content: ~88
Pot Life: 8-12 hours functional pot-life*
*This product will help crosslink the film for a period of 8-12 hours after addition. Following this, the material is still fine to use, but will not exhibit enhanced performance characteristics. Material can be crosslinked again to obtain improved performance.

If you are planning to crosslink material again, we recommend “de- catalyzing” your mixed paint by blending it 1:1 with fresh (uncatalyzed) material and then adding ELCAT150 at 3% by weight to that blend to ensure best results.
Flash Point: NA


Please follow all other recommended application methods for the associated product you are using ELCAT150 in.
These products are designed for industrial use only. Please refer to the Safety Data Sheet prior to use.


8 months in unopened containers. Do not use material if it is hazy, this indicates a reaction with moisture and renders the product less effective.


Store in a tightly closed container at room temperature (18-25°C/64-75°F) and protect from humidity, direct sunlight and foreign material.

Disclaimer: Every reasonable precaution is taken in the manufacture of our products to ensure that they comply with our standards. The information given herein is correct to the best of our knowledge. Any suggestions made by us covering the use of our products are based on experience and/or tests believed to be reliable. However, because the use of any product of our manufacture is completely beyond our control, including for example, the method and conditions of application, no guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Manufacturer’s maximum liability shall be to replace such quantity of product determined by our laboratory to be defective. User shall determine the suitability of the product for his intended use and assumes all risk and liability in connection therewith. 

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